On Edge

About the game

ON EDGE is a game where you playfully learn how stress occurs and how it can be prevented. Participants are taken through a year in a workplace under pressure. As a team, you need to succeed in the core task together, while building a stress-preventing culture and structure in the workplace. Participants continuously reflect on how insights and points can be transferred to their own reality. Finally, you discuss what concrete actions you want to take to build a more stress-preventing culture and structure in your own workplace.

Professional foundation

ON Edge has been developed in collaboration with Arbejdsmiljø København, who are specialists in psychological work environment and have many years of experience handling stress and stress prevention. ON EDGE is based on the IGLO model, where the thesis is that by strengthening previous efforts at group level, you can actually prevent stress between colleagues. The game bridges reality by focusing on core mission, leadership, culture and structure – and how they interact.

The practicalities

If you only need the game once, for example for a theme day or seminar, one of our consultants will come out and facilitate the game for you. Read more here.


  • 15 participants with facilitator: 12.500 DKK
  • 30 participants with facilitator: 20.000 DKK
  • Larger events by appointment

You can also purchase On Edge as a tool that you can use to run your own courses, workshops and seminars. The game is easy to facilitate, so no certification is required.


  • 1 game (there can be 3-6 participants per game): 9,500 DKK
  • 3 games so you can host courses with up to 18 participants: 19,500 DKK
  • 5 games incl. train-the-trainer workshop where we also help you create a rollout plan (half-day workshop): 29,500 DKK

Purchase options

  • Extra copies
  • The games can be versionized to your organization’s colors, logo, etc.
  • Games can be versionized with organization-specific content
  • For special needs see tailor-made games
  • Download product sheet

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