5 Big Bets

Developed for Topdanmark

The challenge

How do you get 350 employees to not only know of, but also understand and see the benefits of a new business strategy?

That was the big question for Topdanmark’s business and agriculture division, when they contacted Copenhagen Game Lab. The new business strategy needed to be tangible for Topdanmark’s employees.

5 Big Bets Topdanmark
5 Big Bets Topdanmark

The solution

The solution became the learning game ‘5 Big Bets’. Here the players control a team, who’s responsible for acquiring new and keeping existing customers. Meanwhile they must ensure the customers’ risk profile is optimal as well as handle unexpected challenges.

During the game the players can optimise their daily operation by choosing between different initiatives that the strategy now allows for. All this results in the players having agency over the strategy to make it tangible and directly applicable to their reality.

The result

‘5 Big Bets’ was introduced to Topdanmark’s employees at a strategy launch event. The game created unique and fun competition between the participants, where they competed to become the best at using the strategy.

The game gave the participants a great excuse to start discussing at the tables. Here, strategic initiatives were applied to the real world and plans for the individual teams were established, ready to be acted upon.

5 Big Bets Topdanmark

Video (in Danish)

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