Cross the Finish Line

Developed for VUC Storstrøm

The challenge

How do you get more students to finish their education?

At VUC there’s entirely too many students that don’t reach the finish line for their education. They’re typically overwhelmed and struggle to navigate the complex education system. A lot of them also struggle to see their own qualifications and understand what it takes to land their dream job.

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The solution

The solution became the digital game ‘Cross the Finish Line’. Here the player tries their hand at different educations to see what job opportunities awaits at the other end. During the game the player acquires relevant qualifications that are compiled in a CV. The qualifications aren’t exclusively acquired from their educational activities.

As the CV develops, the players compare their qualifications with their dreams for the future. The better the match, the more points the player is awarded, ultimately raising their quality of life. The game ends when the player gets a job.

The game is available on both mobile and desktop.

The result

‘Cross the Finish Line’ was launched at the Danish workshop, Career Camps, in 2021 and it’s used in the day-to-day guidance at VUC Storstrøm. Materials are continuously being developed to anchor the game in the mentors’ practices.

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