History Roleplay

Developed for HistorieLab

The challenge

HistorieLab is developing exciting and engaging teaching tools for history lessons. They ordered three role plays from us to help teachers make their history lessons more alive and relevant. Role playing is excellent when learning about history, but because it requires a lot of preparation, it can be a challenge to prepare. We therefore made the games in a way that requires minimal preparation: Print, read through and play!


The solution

We made a series of small role plays based on three significant periods in Danish history; The Occupation, the Constitution of 1915 and the industrialisation. All three courses are made with thorough research and fit in as part of a varied teaching course.

The result

The students really engage in the role-playing games, whether they are freedom fighters during World War II, screwdrivers or politicians fighting for women’s suffrage! One can really talk about the students feeling the buzz of history on their own body. Our small series of role-playing games is used with great enthusiasm by many teachers. They are available free of charge from HistorieLab’s website and are easy to integrate in the rest of the curriculum.


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