Hunter Kids Ask & Liv

Developed for Danish Hunters’ Association

The challenge

The Danish Hunters’ Association wanted a game that could motivate kindergarten teachers to take (several) trips into nature. HUNTER KIDS combines pedagogical inspiration and a planning tool with fairy tales and game-based tools. It is not a game that the children play, but a motivating framework for their experiences outside in nature.

Ask & Liv

The solution

The game runs on tablets and contains 25 activities to do before, during, and after trips out into nature. The activities are supported by a narrated and richly illustrated story about the hunter children, Ask and Liv. The kindergarten teacher easily selects activities on and off, after which the game’s material list is updated automatically. When the children have worked on an activity, they get a nice “mark” in the game as a symbol of the “hunter ability” they have trained.

The result

HUNTER KIDS is part of the free learning materials from “Bliv NaturligVis” and can be accessed through With this game, Bliv NaturligVis reaches a new target group.

Ask & Liv

Video (in Danish)

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