Developed for Danish People’s Aid
The challenge
Danish People’s Aid offers free debt counseling and has recently started working preventively with counseling of young people. They found it difficult for their volunteers to get the target audience to understand and take an interest in the topic. Therefore, they wanted to develop a game that could get the young people’s attention.
The solution
LUXURY is a simulation board game that illustrates the indebtedness process in an easy-to-understand and relatable way. The students play young people chasing the good life with travel, gadgets, babies and IKEA. The game entices the participants into irrational choices, which have large financial consequences, while players who manage to balance the economy, end up with much more luxury in the long run. It forms the basis for a further dialogue on how young people should balance out both salary, needs, and expenses.
The result
LUXURY has been part of the Danish People’s Aid’s advisory efforts since 2017. Among other initiatives, the game is sent out to math teachers and production schools. Not least, the Danish People’s Aid’s volunteers have very good experiences with taking the game out to schools when they give presentations on young people’s finances. Read more here (in Danish).