Turbo growth

Developed for LIFE

The challenge

LIFE makes programmes for science education. They wanted a digital learning game for their programme on catalysis, fertilisers, and food production. The game was to contain material for a 5-week course, and it was to be developed in close collaboration with experts from LIFE.


The solution

In TURBO GROWTH, the students work together in groups and their task is to expand food production in each of their own fictitious country. It requires initiatives such as restructuring of agriculture, production and use of fertilizers, as well as behavioral campaigns. All the initiatives cost a lot of money. The student earn money by solving assignments throughout the game. These assignments can be digital tasks embedded in the game or tasks that are evaluated by the teacher – for example physics tests or presentations.

The result

TURBO GROWTH can be ordered as part of LIFE’s educational programme of the same name (TURBOVÆKST in Danish). The game has been tested extensively in school classes across the country and has been very well received.

The programme is in Danish and can be ordered through LIFE’s webpage.


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