Kids Uni Game

Developed for Kids Uni Learning Systems

The challenge

Kids Uni Learning Systems is a game-based learning universe, where furniture design, analogue learning materials and games are connected in an educational way. In KIDS UNI LEARNING SYSTEM the furniture is not just furniture, but rather learning tools that provide access to lots of fun and educational games and adventures that promote English skills. Our task was to create a digital universe that could be integrated into the design.

Kids Uni
Kids Uni

The solution

The tablet game and the furniture are connected via AR technology. When you hold the camera over the pictures of furniture, the ugly duckling jumps out and invites you inside 9 different adventure worlds. Each world contains 5 different small games where players practice writing, reading, hearing, and pronunciation of English words. The game also includes a reward system that is triggered both by the game, but also by parents in connection with completed analogue challenges.

The result

Kids Uni Game is launched in China as a part of a retail store concept.

Kids Uni

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