Board games

Use our thoroughly tested simulation board games for skill or organisational development.

Custom games

Get a game developed that communicates your message and create the wanted results.


Use learning games as a fun and different activity at your next professional event.

Use our thoroughly tested simulation board games for skill and organisational development.

Get a game developed that communicates your message and create the wanted results.

Use learning games as a fun and different activity at your next professional event.

Game-based learning is engaging and involving

Most people learn more through experience than having everything explained.

As a participant in learning games, you learn by exploring and trying things out. You don’t risk missing the information provided by the teacher.

In stead you’re able to clearly define the field of knowledge based on your own experiences and language.

That’s why learning games are an effective tool.

Why choose us?

At Copenhagen Game Lab we’re specialists in designing knowledge dense learning games that create the learning and behavioural change, you’re seeking.

We develop learning games in close collaboration with our customers and knowledge partners.

This way we ensure engaging and effective learning games about even quite complex matters and for challenging scenarios.

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We publish a newsletter about eight times a year and it’s your way to be invited into our world of learning games.

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